销售德国sick静压式液位计GSE2S-F1311液位探头是一款精准的压力变送器,可用于连续的液位测量。其一端与电缆连接,另外一端LFH探头浸入液体中,而探头上方的液柱会产生一个静态压力,The enhanced version is available witha number of options that extend thestrength: 500 N). A special advantageof the enhanced version is the so calledlongitudinal water resistance feature 销售德国sick静压式液位计GSE2S-F1311that prevents any liquid from enteringthe sensor in the event of cable damage.In addition, this variant also allowsa maximum immersion depth of up to250 m to be realized (standard: 100 m).cable with FEP sheathing (tensile可通过这个参数就可以进行液位的测量。因此,无需改动容器壁以安装相关传感器。?适用性强,就算由于恶劣使用环境导致其他传感器不适合使用的场合中也可测量?无需在容器壁开孔测量?方便清洗,探头可以容易地从液体中取出?坚固的设计和耐用的材料提高了产品的可靠性